What is a Hansard reporter?

Hansard is an edited transcript – written record – of what is said in the Senate, House of Representatives, Federation Chamber and committee hearings

Hansard records the spoken word, such as members' speeches and questions. It also includes votes, the text of petitions and ministers' written statements. Hansard reporters don't need to write down everything they hear; these days computer-assisted transcription and voice recognition technology help them to record proceedings.

A female Hansard editor in the Senate sits at a desk and works on a computer.

A Hansard editor in the Senate.

David Foote/DPS Auspic

A Hansard editor in the Senate.

A female Hansard editor in the Senate sits at a desk and works on a computer.

David Foote/DPS Auspic


A female Hansard editor in the Senate sits at a desk and works on a computer.